Thursday 5 April 2018

Coffee and Wine aren't good for your teeth?

I know that I am not a perfect human.  In fact, I probably have a few more vices than many and some of those affect me more than I ever thought.  It is pretty crazy to think that just simply loving coffee and wine could have dental health issues instead of all the other things you always hear about. So this article is about working on bettering myself and hopefully you too. That is why it is important to make sure you are doing your best to protect your body and there are some areas that get neglected that can help or hurt your body on a daily basis. What I believe is a big area that gets skipped is the area of dental health.  This is an area that we use daily and we can have an impact on our mouths and teeth by what we drink every single day.  I know that personally, this is an area that I need to work on and my normal habits are actually causing my teeth to erode at an accelerated rate. I actually made a little diet that I started to follow not for weightloss, but for dental health.

Every single morning I am always waking up, taking my vitamins, and then drinking lots of coffee.  I simply love coffee and it goes beyond the need for the caffeine.  Yes, I am more than addicted to it and definitely have withdrawn if I don't get enough.  But it is simply the taste and the warmth that excites me every morning.  There is no way I feel like I could go on with my life without my wonderful morning kick of coffee.

My entire adult life has been based on getting caffeine in the morning and doing it with coffee.  But what I am also doing is drinking multiple mugs full every single day.  That means I am exposing my teeth to a lot of acid and tooth staining liquid every single day.  I know I should be drinking less, but it is simply a necessity and I feel like I must have it.  What I am doing is causing my teeth to erode much faster than they should be and I think it is hurting me.  I am certain that my teeth are turning browner and yellower on average and that is my teeth being eaten away.  Even though I brush a lot this can actually hurt my teeth more. I know that drinking less is going to be an important health move for me.

So I also am not stupid and understand the side effects of quitting cold turkey so I got some caffeine pills.  That is my goal to cut back on this drink that simply hurts me and millions of Americans dental health each and every day.  I think that tea will give me the same feeling and caffeine pills will actually keep me from getting withdrawal symptoms and my morning will still have a nice kick involved.

There are also other vices and wine is pretty much on the same pace at that one.  I know that I like to drink a glass at night and the same issues bove are still in it.  SO my goal is to also cut that in half as well.  My teeth are worth it.

Does a child's toothbrush work?

I just got back from vacation and we decided to get some nice travel toothbrushes.  But what really happened was we ended up getting child toothbrushes for the entire family.  Is that really bad or were we going to be just fine? Now I did notice that mask-wearing was not super fun on vacation.  I really started to notice that my breath was not what I wanted to be smelling all day long behind a mask. This led me down to the toothbrush aisle and then things started to get really complicated.  The number of toothbrushes I saw was absolutely crazy.  I saw at least 30 different ones and I didn't understand which one to really go after. So I ended up going home without one and decided to do some research. So let me dive into my journey.

But was my toothbrush going to work or not? I was not entirely sure, so I had to find out.  Well, I first started by hopping online.  There are so many company websites that have their own opinion and they are usually backed by the ADA or at least mention them or their own dentist they have paid for the advertisement.  The majority of people will say to use a soft toothbrush that is simply comfortable in your hand.  But that idea of the perfect toothbrush was really different from one website to another.  They all had some strange bristle or pattern that they claimed was 10 times better than the leading brush.  Well when the majority of websites claimed this, it became a huge farce to me.  There is no way 10 leaders are 10 times better than each other. Truly I was not convinced, so I wanted more information.

Social media was a giant ad essentially. Everyone was saying they had the best and well when you see that so many times it loses its potency.  It sounded like the best way to describe the majority of videos is to simply get a medium to a soft-bristled toothbrush that feels good in your hand.  Their talk was more about people are more likely to brush their teeth for the full two minutes if they feel happy and that matters more than anything else.  It is the ability to get you to keep brushing that matters more than a type of bristle or a handle.  Even the dentists talked about not making a difference if you are using an automatic brush or not.  They simply said it's the doing the task that matters more and that the talk of those electric toothbrushes is talking about stats that simply don't matter.  The dentists didn't see the difference in what they are doing unless the individual was unable to brush like normal due to a disability.  So it really strikes home that for the most part these all work and after talking with some dental students most all the differences are not science, but technological farces.  It hurts to see so many lies in the real world of health. Maybe that is why most people don't like dentists.

Just get a brush that you like and remember to use it.  That is the key to all dental health is doing something. Otherwise, you may be in trouble in the long run. 

Healthy Candy for your kids and their teeth

You’ll love these healthy Easter treats as much as your kids!  Yes, we’re still advocating for candy because no kid needs to be denied the l...