Sunday 9 April 2017

Don't let you diet kill your teeth!

My diet has been a hard part of my life.  It is an area that has been the hardest to control and the older I get, the more I see that it plays a major part of my health.  Surprisingly, I am not talking more about my teeth than anything.  This is part of growing up and learning to compromise because you cannot have your cake and eat it too.  That is especially true when it comes to your teeth and how you are able to keep them safe and clean.  I have been looking into my own dental health thanks to the 2021 covid aftermath and it has caused me to be a little more careful about what I am actually drinking.  I have found that many of the drinks that I love are rather painful and can truly end up causing my body lots of harm and no help.  Now I want to go over some of the things I have learned to hopefully help out anyone in a similar situation. But we are all different arn't we!

The pandemic helped me to cut down on my addiction to soda. And it was and still is an addiction.  I love Pepsi and it is a staple for my lunches.  I find the caffeine to be a boost to my day and it helps me to feel excited about lunch and gives me that extra punch of energy to finish off my day.  But the sugar and acid in the soda actually are damaging my teeth at a very fast rate.  The sugar and acid are actually eating away at my tooth enamel and causing me to have faster tooth decay.  I generally drink more than a glass a day, so I am way beyond the healthy limit of what I should be doing. 

 Let me be clear, drinks are way bigger in the United States than anywhere else in the world and they don't need to be.  I really, don't even notice that I am drinking that much, but it is constantly crossing over my teeth and breaking them down.  So it is my goal to cut down on my lunch drink and instead simply start to supplement my caffeine addiction with pills instead of sweet drinks.  My goal is to help my teeth out by not throwing acid on them constantly and still getting that boost of energy from the pills.

We all knew it was coming, but I am also a coffee addict.  It is simply the best part of my day!  This is an area that hurts my dental health not only in physical areas but also in looks as well.  The dark coffee color is staining my teeth after it eats away at my enamel.  It is a double dose of tooth erosion and also bad looks.  I know that my mornings are filled with 2 cups every single day and sometimes three.  That means that I need to change the way I am doing my morning if I want to have a safe dental life.  One thing I am going to try and work on is substituting the coffee with tea in the mornings. Tea is not my favorite, but it is better for my teeth and also has other health benefits and the compromise is worth it at my age now. 

Healthy Candy for your kids and their teeth

You’ll love these healthy Easter treats as much as your kids!  Yes, we’re still advocating for candy because no kid needs to be denied the l...